Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Unbearable Shortness of Twitter

In the interests of staying true to the idea of lifelong learning, I've jumped around to the last task on the 23 Things list, Twitter. I'd heard of it, of course, but over the weekend I spent some time with a friend who, as it turns out, is a Twitter addict (or as I called her, a Twatter). And so I decided to investigate it for myself.

As it turns out, I can now receive Twits from the highly delicious Nathan Fillion. I can even pretend it's vaguely related to work (I'm learning a new technology, as instructed). But I still can't quite figure out what it's for. If I'm deluded enough I guess I could pretend I'm now Nathan's true friend, getting to know him as a person. 140 characters at a time, of course. I wonder what the math is on how long it takes before you actually know someone via Twitter?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Because It Was There, I Guess

Just couldn't resist posting this. It's making me a little nauseous, but then, isn't that what the internet is sometimes for?

23 Tonnes of Pressure

I feel like I've joined the 20th century! Here's me, blogging.

Now - everyone I've met who blogs tells me how painful it is to think of something new each day to say. Apparently there is also an expectation you'll be interesting and/or exciting.

I refuse to bow to the overwhelming pressure. I shall, in my blog, be using the tactic of standing out through sheer dreariness. I will seek out the most boring sites I can link to, I will discuss only topics such as bellybutton lint and my children's toileting habits.

I am aiming for the lowest hits of any blog in the 23 Things Project. Let's embrace mediocrity and the duller parts of life!