Sunday, August 16, 2009

23 Tonnes of Pressure

I feel like I've joined the 20th century! Here's me, blogging.

Now - everyone I've met who blogs tells me how painful it is to think of something new each day to say. Apparently there is also an expectation you'll be interesting and/or exciting.

I refuse to bow to the overwhelming pressure. I shall, in my blog, be using the tactic of standing out through sheer dreariness. I will seek out the most boring sites I can link to, I will discuss only topics such as bellybutton lint and my children's toileting habits.

I am aiming for the lowest hits of any blog in the 23 Things Project. Let's embrace mediocrity and the duller parts of life!

1 comment:

  1. LOL I love the embracing mediocrity and duller parts of life.

    Oh by the way, it's the 21st century *wink*
